
THM-Writeups Basic Static Analysis

Learn basic malware analysis techniques without running the malware.

Task 1 Introduction

1.0 Complete the pre-requisite rooms

Answer: No answer needed

Task 2 Lab Setup

2.0 Start the attached VM before proceeding

Username: Administrator

Password: letmein123!

Answer: No answer needed

3.0 On the Desktop in the attached VM, there is a directory named ‘mal’ with malware samples 1 to 6. Use floss to identify obfuscated strings found in the samples named 2, 5, and 6. Which of these samples contains the string ‘DbgView.exe’?

Using Floss to extract strings of the binary 6 and findstr to print strings end in exe.

Answer: 6

Task 4 Fingerprinting Malware

4.0 In the samples located at Desktop mal directory in the attached VM, which of the samples has the same imphash as file 3?

Using ssdeep tool to generate fuzzy hashes for binary 3 and compare it to all binary under mal directory. We can see we have a match to binary 1.

Answer: 1

4.1 Using the ssdeep utility, what is the percentage match of the above-mentioned files?

Answer: 93

Task 5 Signature-based detection

Now let’s use capa to analyse the file Desktop mal 4 and answer the following questions.

5.0 How many matches for anti-VM execution techniques were identified in the sample?

Answer: 86

5.1 Does the sample have to capability to suspend or resume a thread? Answer with Y for yes and N for no.

Answer: Y

5.2 What MBC behavior is observed against the MBC Objective ‘Anti-Static Analysis’?

Answer: Disassembler Evasion::Argument Obfuscation [B0009.012]

5.3 At what address is the function that has the capability ‘Check HTTP Status Code’?

Using capa -vv flag to show verbose we can see the address of the function that has capability of checking HTTP status code

Answer: 0x486921

Task 6 Leveraging the PE header

6.0 Open the sample Desktop mal 4 in PEstudio. Which library is blacklisted?

Answer: rpcrt4.dll

6.1 What does this dll do?

Answer: Remote Procedure Call Runtime

Task 7 Conclusion

7.0 Join the discussion on our social channels.

Answer: No answer needed


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